If find a way to|you possibly can} afford it, have the ability to|you possibly can}'t lose by choosing any of my high picks. Interestingly, this appears to use precision machining the Ultimakers as inspiration. If you take a look at|have a look at} my Ultimaker 3 or Ultimaker S5 evaluations, you'll notice that this has the identical mattress carry mechanism and the identical extruder carriage design.
If find a way to|you possibly can} afford it, have the ability to|you possibly can}'t lose by choosing any of my high picks. Interestingly, this appears to use precision machining the Ultimakers as inspiration. If you take a look at|have a look at} my Ultimaker 3 or Ultimaker S5 evaluations, you'll notice that this has the identical mattress carry mechanism and the identical extruder carriage design.